Urine Infections

Urine Infections

https://medicinetoday.com.au/mt/2021/march/feature-article/urinary-tract-infection-management-children We thank and congratulate Dr. Didsbury and her colleagues for highlighting the problem of urine infections in children and for the quality of their presentation. An aspect of consideration of information pertaining to urine infection is that Paediatric Urologists have long been able to record and share endoscopic images,
Caring for a Boy with a Foreskin

Foreskin Care

For more information about Caring for a Boy with a Foreskin, please click the image on the left or select "Read More" to access the publication in the Herald Sun, and don’t miss the YouTube video by Paddy Dewan.

Severe Constipation

Constipation … is a word that confuses both patients and clinicians: it is a word that defines the state of the bowel function as poorly as the word asthma defines respiratory disease. Constipation can be as simple as a slightly firm stool, but can be a patient who has bowel


Hydronephrosis ... what does it mean? To an 11 yo boy it meant three operations within one month ... but two functioning kidneys and a happy family as a result of the surgery. And, notably he presented with no symptoms except for a painless abdominal lump the size of a
Bed wetting

Bed Wetting Made Easy!

A boy becoming a man can be enough of a challenge to him and his family without the additional stress of a protracted bed wetting problem; older boys tend to be most often affected. Girls are more likely to have both a day and night problem, which is a different